Sweet little Carter is in the last leg of the fight for his life. Tomorrow they will be disconnecting his ventilator. It is up to him and God to determine if he will breath again here on Earth or fly to Heaven. My heart is so heavy already from reading about Ben, and waiting to hear about Carter is just too much.
I love having so many blog friends with kids like my Peanut, and at the same time it is SO hard sometimes. :( Please pray for Carter, for his healing one way or another. And please keep his mom and Ben's mom in your prayers as they go through these tough times.
I am so sad about the loss of sweet Ben and my heart is breaking for Becky! And, thinking of what Carter's family is having to do today is heart wrenching! When you get to know people through their blogs, it's like losing a family member! I pray that God gives both of these families strength and peace as they travel through life today and always.
Love and Hugs!!!
That is a nice, big carseat. Those are the kind of seizures jax has right now. He just kind of goes to la la land for a bit, then he just continues on like nothing ever happened!
I did get your order. I'm just going to bring them with me when we come down!
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