So I haven't had a chance to update here in a while! I ended up in the ER on Thursday, having some major GI problems. I had the same thing back in April and they decided it was e.coli, even though the CT scan showed it was ischemic colitis. The GI on that admit said that I didn't fit the profile of a patient who should get ischemic colitis, so it couldn't be that. This time, I was lucky enough to score a colonoscopy (woohoo!) and I do, in fact, have Ischemic Colitis. Fun. So I am supposed to follow up with the GI in "no more than 4-5 weeks". Of course, when I call to schedule the appointment, they tell me he is booked until late October and that's that. I guess I just pray I don't have another flare-up and hospital stay before then? That is worrisome. The GI did a ton of bloodwork while I was inpatient (for four days) this time. Hopefully that will give him some insight. The only risk factor I have for ischemic colitis is low blood pressure. It's not alarmingly low, but it usually around 110/50. No one had ever mentioned before this admission. So that's where I've been.

During that time, Emily lost her first tooth! Her nurse texted me while I was in the ER Thursday. Emily bit her nurses arm, not unusual for Emily, and the tooth came out. It was in her mouth, and the nurse had to wrangle her to get it out. Luckily she didn't swallow it or aspirate it, so all is well! Okay, so ignore her pitiful look in the picture - she refuses to let me take a smiling picture of it. LOL

Today was spent catching up. Evidently when I'm not home, the house falls to pieces! I had a million loads of laundry to do, dishes to do, and general cleaning. Emily's hair hadn't been brushed since Thursday! Ugh.
Today my parents came home from a two week vacation, and they stopped by to say hello to the kids. I was busy working on eBay photos, and evidently my Dad needed my attention NOW.

That's all ... not much going on. Emily's seizures are under control right now, KNOCK ON WOOD. I will NOT post how many days we go without a seizure, as that jinxed it last time. :) I now need to catch up on all of YOUR blogs!
I feel like a horrible friend because I didn't even know you were in the hospital at first. I can imagine your house, mine falls apart even when Jax goes into the hospital!
It's not like you didn't have your hands full last week Lacey. :)
Knocking on wood over here in Camarillo!
A lost tooth ... what a big girl and ...
hoping you get to the bottom,no pun intended,of all that's going on with you.Definitely no fun!
Hope that you're feeling better and get an appointment soon-ish!
Your Dad cracked me up!
Remember, it doesn't matter where you loose a tooth, the Tooth Fairy still comes. Cool keepsake; free code: fairyproof
Hope your feeling better :)
My gosh Sarah, it is bad enough we have so many doctor appts, let alone one for yourself! Sheesh!
Peanut is a cutie...love the lost tooth!
Glad the seizures are under control for you.
Hang in there.
Bridget (Mary's Mom)
loving your dad's picture - FUNNY! Sorry you are having issues with your GI. I hope they can get you figured out soon. :(
Praying she stays seizure free and you stay healthy and out of the hospital too!
What a silly Dad! :)
will keep you in prayer...
us moms don't have time to get sick!!!!
Congrats on the lost tooth! What a huge milestone big girl! And, when Josie lost her first we had to find it in her mouth too, I actually thought it was a bit of Kleenex and not a tooth:) Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, my cousin has been battling Crohns Disease for years, it is terrible. We will keep you all in our prayers.
I am so sorry you have been ill. It is funny (not really funny) but while I read I am in the middle of prepping for a colonoscopy in the morning.
I so hope you don't have another attack or episode before being seen.
Emily looks precious. She reminds me so much of Annabel. That exact same tooth is loose on Bella. Will be back sooner to check in on you!
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