Then I went out to lunch with Ella Grace's mom Denise while a volunteer sat with Ella. When we got back, Denise wanted to go visit a friend who was in the hospital having just had a baby. So I got to sit and watch Ella for her! I loved it. Ella had me laughing, she is so much fun to play with! First we walked the halls a while, pushing her in the stroller and pushing the IV pole. Then we read books, played peek-a-boo, and then she played in her crib. She is so absolutely darling! She would kiss her doll, and play with her toy, then kiss the doll again. When it was time for me to leave, she insisted on hugging me repeatedly. Her hugs are so cuddly! It is amazing to me that the nasty chemo was flowing into her as this was going on. You would have no idea that this beautiful little princess is battling cancer!! She is amazing. :)

Then it was time to go home, and as much as I didn't want to leave our friends, it was nice. It's always nice when you go to Children's and your child isn't inpatient! It's such a relief that Emiy has been stable lately. Yeah!

Ah...she is so sweet!
Between Emily and Ella, I nearly explode from cuteness overload when I catch up on my blogs!!
You're so lucky to get to play with Miss Ella!
What a great day. :) It's the best when you finally get to meet online friends.
How nice of you to visit them! Although, I have a feeling you got as much out of it as they did! How could you not, with all that cuteness?! :)
Lucky you.Lucky all of you!So wonderful to have found the friends we have through this crazy world of blogging,isn't it?
We LOVED having you visit. I really enjoyed our time out at lunch and am glad that you got some one on one time with Ella. Thanks again for watching her and especially for the cupcakes. As for visiting next week (I think that is what you said), let's just keep in touch and see when I am there and when you want to come and if everyone is healthy etc. But I would very much love for you guys to come.
Oh goodness, what a sweetie. So cute! Yes, we're in California...bay area. San Jose. We have looked into a hyperbaric place down there. I think it's in Santa Monica. Where are you in relation to there? I'm not sure if we'd do it anytime soon...that stuff is expensive! But ya know...keeping it in my radar.
You sound like a wonderful friend.
Thank you so much for coming to visit us and for the DELICIOUS treat!
It was so great to finally "meet" you in person! And, I am so glad you got to hang with Ella... she is such a cutie pie!
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